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Hi my name is Sonya Demone and I have been working at New Leaf since January 15th 2013. It was on a trial bases for three weeks but the staff decided to let me stay. My first official day as a client came on April 10th 2013; it was the best day of my life.

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My name is Randy Kerr and I am 38 years old. I’ve been working at New Leaf since 1996 and really enjoy my time here. I am very active in all programs at New Leaf and look forward to comeing to work to see all my co-workers. My favourite thing to do at New Leaf

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My name is Ricky Allen and I am 31 years old. I have been working at New Leaf almost a year and am active in all programs. What I like about New Leaf is working in Business Skills with Bonnie and in the Day Program with Rene. I also like wrapping in the kitchen with

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Bobbie’s Blog – First Entry

Thursday, 09, May , 2013 by

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Hi there, Welcome to the first Camp Tidnish entry of the Easter Seals Nova Scotia blog. There have been so many exciting things happening in the Camp Tidnish office at our ESNS ‘headquarters’! Most camper sessions have been filling up pretty quickly, but there are still plenty of spots available in Wayfarers 1 – I

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