Easter Seals Profile: Meet Randy Kerr

by / Sunday, 21 July 2013 / Published in Adapted Sports Camps, Camp Tidnish, Featured, Latest News, Latest posts

Randy_kerr2My name is Randy Kerr and I am 38 years old. I’ve been working at New Leaf since 1996 and really enjoy my time here. I am very active in all programs at New Leaf and look forward to comeing to work to see all my co-workers. My favourite thing to do at New Leaf is the recycling of Christmas lights.

While in the Day Program there are many activities I really enjoy participating in. Literacy activities, computer programs challenge me and I like a good challenge.

I also enjoy arts n’ crafts. Another program I enjoy is business skills when contracts arrive. I enjoy stuffing and sealing envelopes. These contracts keep me busy.

The kitchen is another place I enjoy. The baking, mixing and wrapping of all the products is rewarding.
Recently I began to use a walker at work helping me with the posture, mobility and allwoing me to get around the facility safer.

I will be attending Camp Tidnish this summer again and I’m looking forward to seeing my friends.

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