Donate Today to Easter Seals Nova Scotia!

Fundraising Guide TOOLS FOR YOU

Easter Seals Fundraising Guide
Download your fundraising guide here for fun tips and ways to make the fundraising process simple and rewarding!

Whether you are participating in an event that requires you to raise money, or deciding to set up your own fundraising event for Easter Seals Nova Scotia, this guide will walk you through the steps of creating your personal donations webpage, give you examples of events to hold that can help you raise money, tips about the ways to ask for money, and information about Easter Seals Nova Scotia’s programs and services.

Create an event anytime of the year, perhaps as part of your own special occasion – a wedding, birthday party, office fundraising initiative, etc.  Feel good about supporting a charity in lieu of presents.

Fundraising is the cornerstone of our organization. Our programs and services for Nova Scotians with physical disabilities depend on the enthusiasm and dedication of people like you! While at first a daunting task, this guide serves to make the fundraising process easy and fun!

Thank you for your support!

10 Reasons to raise money for Easter Seals Nova Scotia

1.   20% of Nova Scotians are affected by a disability.

2.   A disability can be the result of an accident, illness or simply aging.

3.   A disability will affect you and the people around you.

4.   A disability does not discriminate, regardless of your sex, health or age.

5.   Equipment and services for people with disabilities are not all covered by government or private medical plans.

6.   Thousands of people with disabilities benefit from Easter Seals Nova Scotia’s Programs and Services every year.

7.   We can only make a difference in peoples’ lives with your help.

8.   ALL donations (large and small) make a difference.

9.   Challenging yourself to raise money inspires people to take notice and increases awareness of our programs and services for people who need them.

10.   We need to help all people living with a physical disability.