Equipment Services – Assistive Devices
Learn More About How to Apply Below+
Wheelchair Funding
In partnership with the Nova Scotia Department of Community Services, uninsured Nova Scotians aged 64 years or younger who meet the program criteria may obtain a wheelchair based on a medial prescription from a health care professional.
Named by the government this program is referred to as the Wheelchair Recycling Program.
Learn More About How to Apply Below+
Refurbished Equipment
Easter Seals Nova Scotia accepts used equipment in good condition and has it professionally adjusted, refitted and updated to meet the needs of people who do not have the funds to purchase new equipment.![](
Learn More About How to Apply Below+
Equipment Funding
Easter Seals Assistive Devices Program helps applicants acquire a wide variety of equipment including wheelchairs and seating inserts, walkers, home safety equipment, communication devices for children, and various orthotic/orthopaedic devices.
This program is funded by Easter Seals Nova Scotia.
Learn More About How to Apply Below+
Community Services Client Wheelchair Repair
If you are a client of community services and need repairs to your existing wheelchair please complete the following application.
How to ApplyMore Information
Contact Faye at or call her at (902) 453-6000 ext. 226 if you have any questions or problems with the forms
How to Apply
You may apply directly to Easter Seals Nova Scotia. An application form can be mailed to you at home or may be downloaded.
It can also be requested by email, telephone, or fax.
- Current Wheelchair Recycling Application Form.doc
- Current Wheelchair Recycling Application Form.pdf
- Wheelchair Repair Application for Community Services Clients.pdf
Contact Tamara Purcell, Wheelchair Program Assistant at (902) 453-6000, ext. 229
Toll free at 1-866-554-4527 or email:
Return completed form to:
Easter Seals Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Wheelchair Recycling Program
3670 Kempt Road
Halifax NS B3K 4X8
Tel: (902) 453-6000, ext. 229
Or toll free at 1-866-554-4527
Fax: (902) 454-6121
Wheelchair Funding
In partnership with the Nova Scotia Department of Community Services, uninsured Nova Scotians aged 64 years or younger who meet the program criteria may obtain a wheelchair based on a medial prescription from a health care professional.
Named by the government this program is referred to as the Wheelchair Recycling Program.
How to Apply
Current Wheelchair Recycling Application Form.doc
Current Wheelchair Recycling Application Form.pdf
The Easter Seals Nova Scotia Wheelchair Recycling Program and Assistive Devices Program helps provide applicants with a wide variety of equipment such as wheelchairs and seating inserts, walkers, home safety equipment, communication devices for children, and various orthotic/orthopaedic devices.
Refurbished Equipment
Easter Seals Nova Scotia accepts used equipment in good condition and has it professionally adjusted, refitted and updated to meet the needs of people who do not have the funds to purchase new equipment.
How to Apply: Email Faye Joudrey for More Information
In partnership with the Nova Scotia Department of Community Services, uninsured Nova Scotians aged 64 years or younger who meet the program criteria may obtain a wheelchair based on a medial prescription from a health care professional with the assistance of an Occupational Therapist.
Equipment Funding
Easter Seals Assistive Devices Program helps applicants acquire a wide variety of equipment including wheelchairs and seating inserts, walkers, home safety equipment, communication devices for children, and various orthotic/orthopaedic devices.
How to Apply
Download Assistive Devices Funding Form
The Assistive Devices program assists in the purchase of medical equipment for individuals who may otherwise be unable to financially obtain needed equipment. There is no age restriction. Funded by Easter Seals Nova Scotia, this program is designed to fill a growing need for medical devices by Nova Scotians with permanent physical disabilities.
In conjunction with various community partners, financial assistance is provided to qualifying Nova Scotians with a physical disability to assist in obtaining necessary medical devices. We offer financial assistance towards devices such as walkers, orthotics, wheelchairs and a variety of other needed equipment based on a health care professional prescription.
The amount of assistance given to an individual is based on need and the amount of funding available. Funds are raised through mail campaigns and event fundraisers, as well as contributions from various community partners.
Client Wheelchair Repairs
Community Services Client Wheelchair Repairs
If you are a client of community services and need repairs to your existing wheelchair please complete the following application.
How to Apply
Wheelchair Repair Application for Community Services Clients.pdf
Q: Who is responsible for annual maintenance costs?
A: Each applicant is responsible for annual maintenance and general repairs. If the maintenance or repairs are not covered by manufacturer’s warranty, then each applicant is eligible for up to $200 annually for maintenance of manual wheelchairs, and up to $500 for annual maintenance costs of power wheelchairs. Receipts must be provided for maintenance and repairs in order to receive the yearly maintenance supplement.Assistive Deviced - Donated Equipment
The Assistive Devices program assists in the purchase of medical equipment for individuals who may otherwise be unable to financially obtain needed equipment. There is no age restriction.
Funded by Easter Seals Nova Scotia, this program is designed to fill a growing need for medical devices by Nova Scotians with permanent physical disabilities.
In conjunction with various community partners, financial assistance is provided to qualifying Nova Scotians with a physical disability to assist in obtaining necessary medical devices. We offer financial assistance towards devices such as walkers, orthotics, wheelchairs and a variety of other needed equipment based on a health care professional prescription.
The amount of assistance given to an individual is based on need and the amount of funding available. Funds are raised through mail campaigns and event fundraisers, as well as contributions from various community partners.
The Assistive Devices program also has a small supply of equipment available for short and long-term loan, based on a prescription by an Occupational Therapist. We receive donations of medical equipment from the general public and once we ensure the equipment is in working order, that equipment is made available for loan. A tax receipt can be made available to the donor for the assessed value of the equipment, should one be desired. Occupational Therapists may access a current Donated Equipment List here.
Who is Eligible? Any Nova Scotian who has a permanent physical disability. Assistance for communication devices is available to children (under 18) only.
How to Apply To apply for the Assistive Devices Program,
download the following form and send to Easter Seals Nova Scotia
c/o Faye Joudrey at or 3670 Kempt Road, Halifax NS B3K 4X8.
Assistive Devices Program Application.pdf