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Hi my name is Sonya Demone and I have been working at New Leaf since January 15th 2013. It was on a trial bases for three weeks but the staff decided to let me stay. My first official day as a client came on April 10th 2013; it was the best day of my life.

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My name is Randy Kerr and I am 38 years old. I’ve been working at New Leaf since 1996 and really enjoy my time here. I am very active in all programs at New Leaf and look forward to comeing to work to see all my co-workers. My favourite thing to do at New Leaf

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My name is Ricky Allen and I am 31 years old. I have been working at New Leaf almost a year and am active in all programs. What I like about New Leaf is working in Business Skills with Bonnie and in the Day Program with Rene. I also like wrapping in the kitchen with

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Bobbie’s Blog – First Entry

Thursday, 09, May , 2013 by

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