Welcome to the first Camp Tidnish entry of the Easter Seals Nova Scotia Blog!

by / Wednesday, 08 May 2013 / Published in Camp Tidnish, Featured, Latest News, Latest posts

Hi there, Welcome to the first Camp Tidnish entry of the Easter Seals Nova Scotia blog.

There have been so many exciting things happening in the Camp Tidnish office at our ESNS ‘headquarters’!

Most camper sessions have been filling up pretty quickly, but there are still plenty of spots available in Wayfarers 1 – I know that some of you worry that it’s too cold at the beginning of June, but that’s the beauty of an indoor heated pool, and we can all stay warm by DANCING!!

Speaking of staying warm, we just received an AHH- MAZING donation of some ‘made with love’ quilts from the Amherst Quilters Guild. Is anyone else as excited as me to snuglle up in one of these quilts during evening cabin time before bed?

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And since we’re on the topic of things that are ‘made with love’ I just received this staff package in the mail… can anyone guess who sent it?

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Dinosaurs and camp stickers… it must be from Donna! Getting this letter put a HUGE smile on my face, so feel free to plaster your camper and staff packages with stickers too! Or drawings… or lipstick kisses… haha

Check back often to get the inside scoop on the adventures of the camping office and the other super fantastic programs of Easter Seals.




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