Congratulations to our Early Bird Out & About Lottery Draw Winners!

by / Tuesday, 06 August 2013 / Published in Entertainment, Featured, Out and About Lottery, Take Part

Early Bird Out & About Lottery Draw

Congratulations to our Winners Jim & Nancy Stevenson!

The Winning ticket was #508,  the first Early bird prize of a 7 day all inclusive trip to the Dominican Republic!

June and and Heather , a summer student at Easter Seals, Draw the first Early Bird Ticket – #508 first Early bird prize of a 7 day all inclusive trip to the Dominican Republic goes to – Jim & Nancy Stevenson.


June and and Heather , a summer student at Easter Seals, Draw the first Early Bird Ticket – #508 first Early bird prize of a 7 day all inclusive trip to the Dominican Republic goes to – Jim & Nancy Stevenson.



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