Thank you to all our donors & sponsors during March is ES Month!

by / Tuesday, 20 April 2010 / Published in Featured, Latest News

On Tuesday March 30th Easter Seals Nova Scotia Chairperson Barry Saunders and Active Living Program Coordinator Heather Macdonald attended the passing of the motion in the House of Assembly that March is Easter Seals Month. This resolution was moved by The Honourable Maureen MacDonald, Minister of Health and passed without debate. The resolution read:

“I hereby give notice that on a future day I shall move the adoption of the following resolution:

WHEREAS for the past 79 years Easter Seals Nova Scotia has been helping children, youth and adults with physical disabilities obtain necessary devices such as wheelchairs, walkers and communication aids; and

WHEREAS Easter Seals provides family and community support including job skills training for adults with physical disabilities, support networks and information for families with disability concerns; and

WHEREAS  March is Easter Seals Month

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED all members of this the dedication and commitment of Easter Seals Nova Scotia to the people of the province.”

During the month of March and beginning of April Easter Seals Nova Scotia fund-raising and awareness events were well attended & contributed to raising over $125,000 for Easter Seals Nova Scotia’s programs and services for Nova Scotians with physical disabilities.  These events  included a Giant Easter Egg Hunt at the Mic Mac Mall; the sale of Paper Eggs throughout the province, a coin box campaign in the NSLCs across the province, and the Easter Seals Mail Campaign. Thank you to our many volunteers, sponors and donors throughout this campaign! 

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