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Camp Tidnish Revitalization!

Monday, 08, November , 2010 by

Easter Seals Nova Scotia made a commitment to their campers and clients in October 2009 to raise $200,000 towards revitalizing Camp Tidnish to meet the growing needs of the campers.  Due to the generous donations from the Corporations, Foundations, and Service Clubs listed below we have raised $93,200 and have made many necessary improvements at

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Easter Seals Nova Scotia needs volunteers for an introductory program to sledge hockey for children and youth, with or without a disability, to be held at the new 4-plex Arena on the Hammonds Plains Road on Saturdays from 10:00am to 11:00am starting November 6th, 2010 and continuing through March 5th, 2011.  Volunteers will start at 9:30am

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